The first translation into Castilian for the first time the original was edited in Bruges in 1526 with the title "De subventione pauperum".
The introduction of this edition is most certainly a piece of work by Gregorio Mayans, and an opinion also shared by Luis Vives' biographer, Bonilla Sanmartín.
This assumption is corroborated by the works which at that time the learned of Oliva conducted, collecting all the work of Luis Vives, and that under his direction printed in the same printing house as Benito Monfort, in 1782; that is, a year after the "Tratado del socorro de los pobres".
Luis Vives achieved fame and received in recognition for his Essay a silver cup from the Bruges Burgomaestres. He develops an exalted fraternal spirit which contrasts with his social ideas. He defends the quote of Saint Paul, according to which: "to give is better than to receive."
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Tratado del Socorro de los Pobres": Tratado del Socorro de los Pobres facsimile edition, published by Vicent Garcia Editores, 1992
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