The Saint Gall Rule of Benedict is a copy of the rule for laymen living in Christian communities drawn up by Saint Benedict, abbot of the monastery living according to that rule at Montecassino. Copied at Saint Gall around 810-830 and relying on an early exemplar (traced by tradition to the author), the text is written in the regional script called Alemannic Minuscule with chapter headings and numbers in Uncials. During the Middle Ages and early modern period, Biblical quotations and glosses, some in German, were added, as were crude marginal drawings.
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Saint Gall Rule of Benedict": Regula Benedicti: de codice 914 in bibliotheca monasterii S. Galli servato (fol. 1r-86v[85v] = pp.1-172; saec. IX ) facsimile edition, published by Eos-Verlag, 1983
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