In 1344 Peter IV of Aragon, III of Barcelona, II of Valencia, I of Majorca, who was on the throne from 1338 to 1397, ordered the "Ordenaciones de su Casa y Corte" to be written, following the model of the "Palatine Laws" of James III of Majorca.
Completed in Valencia, the manuscript which covered the Ordinations and Ceremonial more than satisfied the king's aims and three copies of the same were made in the vernacular tongue to be sent to Zaragoza, Barcelona, and Valencia, affirming the role of the crown in the creation of a modern state.
This was one of the richest in Europe and a reference for other monarchies.
The codex starts with the "Ordination of the Royal Household," which is structured on the basis of the four main professions in the same: Mayordomo, Camarlengo, Canciller, and Maestre racional (Head of staff, Chamberlaind, Kepper of the royal seal treasurer).
They included the tiniest details of the private life of the king and his household and court, as well as the court protocol. The introduction to the ceremonial is written in Romance.
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Royal Court Regulations of Aragon": Ordenación y Ceremonial de la Coronación de los Reyes de Aragón facsimile edition, published by Scriptorium, 1994
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