Book of hours from the 17th century, belonging to the order of the Poor Claires.
The original of this book of hours (book of prayers) or as it is officially known “Preces propriae singulis horis diei et noctis” is to be found in the Library of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma, which is one of the most significant libraries of Hungary.
It was written on parchment in 1640. Despite of the latin title of the book, it was written in german language. It is a richly illustrated, beautiful tiny book of 50 x 70 mm size.
The dark brown leather binding of the book originates from the 18th century.
According to the notes that we can find in the book it was made by nuns of the order of the Saint Claires.
The text of the prayers were written by a nun called Schwester Maria Anna von Thanhausen, whereas the illustrations were made by Schwester Maria Leonora Jergerin in 1640.
The concept of the book, the idea of the prayers and the illustrations comes from Schwostern [sic] Beatrix. It is rare that we can find this information in the actual book, however one question still remains unanswered, namely in which cloister it was made?
We dont know much about the story of the book of hours after it left its original birthplace.
What we know is that in 1753 Schwester Francisca Theresia de St. Aloysio von Lamberg got it as a present from her Abbess, Maria Columba von Stadl.
According to the records of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma it got there between 1851 and 1875.
Binding description
Dark brown leather with copper clasp (18th century).
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Clarissan Prayer Book": Preces Propriae Singulis Horis Diei et Noctis facsimile edition, published by Pytheas Books, 2013
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