The Ottoman Genealogy is a magnificently illustrated world chronicle in the form of a genealogy made around 1780. It is an amplified version of a text composed a century and a half earlier that traces history from Adam and Eve to (in the expanded version) Mehmed IV, the contemporary sultan of the Turks. It includes figures from the Hebrew Bible, the Prophet Muhammad, the first caliphs, and members of later Islamic dynasties. The protagonists are portrayed in 102 roundels, many with burnished gold backgrounds. All are shown seated and many sumptuously garbed.
We have 2 facsimiles of the manuscript "Ottoman Genealogy":
- Biblia Otomana (Subhat-al-ahbar) facsimile edition published by CM Editores, 2021
- Der Rosenkranz der Weltgeschichte facsimile edition published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA), 1981