In 1921, year of the sixth centenary of Dante Alighieri’s death, three artists worked together to create this book, illustrated with forty original watercolour by Vittorio Grassi, entirely hand written by the calligrapher Enrico Brignoli and decorated in every page by Nestore Leoni. If The Comedy represents the most complicated, voluminous and famous of Dante’s works, La Vita Nuova is his more sublime poetic composition, where the poet tells the story of his love for Beatrice, following the “Stilnovo” writing style and offers a poetical autobiography. "La Vita Nuova" has significantly inspired a variety of writers and artists over the centuries. Notably, in the six hundred years since its creation, there has been only one edition published that features full-color illustrations.
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "La Vita Nuova - Dante Alighieri": La Vita Nuova facsimile edition, published by Vallecchi, 2003
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