Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Arabe 2964

Kitab al-Diryaq Facsimile Edition

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Theriaka, the universal medicine

This fascinating manuscript describes theriaca, the ancient medicinal compound initially used as a cure for bites of poisonous snakes and wild animals (in ancient Greek, therion) and later widely employed as a panacea. The work of Muhammad ibn Abi al-Fath and dated 1198, the manuscript includes illustrations of the medicinal plants used for the recipes drawn up by the most important physicians in the Greek tradition, such as Galen of Pergamum and Andromachus. The number of ingredients used to create the medicine increased progressively with the centuries until it exceeded a hundred. Theriaca originated in Greco-Roman antiquity and its popularity was furthered in the Islamic world. This particular manuscript is the earliest and most impressive of the known theriaca treatises (other later specimens are in Beirut, Cairo, St Petersburg and Vienna).

Conserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris (ms. Arabe 2964), this treatise is known as the Paris Kitab al-Diryaq and it is not just a medical treatise but also an engaging series of tales and anecdotes about the nine Greek physicians of antiquity who contributed to the development of the medicine.

Nine medicine masters of the antiquity

The Paris specimen, written in ancient Arabic with notes in Persian, consists of 36 folios (72 pages) embellished with magnificent miniatures featuring traditional Arabic motifs. The introductory pages (1-5) are devoted to the general contents and precede the two amazing pages of the frontispiece dedicated to the moon and its astrological and magical myths.The calligraphic pages that follow (from 8 to 49) are individual works of art in which the Kufic script is also used as a decorative feature.

Following the title of the work, which is repeated several times, are the portraits of the nine medical scholars (Andromachus the Elder, Heraclides, Philagrius, Proclus, Pythagoras, Marinus, Magnus of Mesa, Andromachus the Younger and Galen), each with his own theriac recipe, and four anecdotes relating to Andromachus the Elder, Heraclides, Philagrius and Proclus. The presentation of poisonous snakes and "viper flesh" is linked to Andromachus the Younger. Then there are twelve pages with the illustration of the plants used for the theriaca: these include rocket, liquorice, cardamom, opium, white pepper, incense, capers, acacia, valerian, black pepper, garlic and wild leek.

We have 2 facsimiles of the manuscript "Kitab al-Diryaq":

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#1 Kitâb al-Diryâq (Thériaque de Paris)

Sansepolcro: Aboca Museum, 2009

Kitâb al-Diryâq (Thériaque de Paris), Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Kitâb al-Diryâq (Thériaque de Paris) facsimile edition by Aboca Museum.
Kitâb al-Diryâq (Thériaque de Paris) facsimile edition by Aboca Museum.
  • Commentary (Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) by Guesdon, Marie Geneviève; Grabar, Oleg; Micheau, Françoise; Caiozzo, Anna; Kerner, Jaclynne J.
  • Limited Edition: 999 copies
  • Full-size color reproduction of the entire original document, Kitab al-Diryaq: the facsimile attempts to replicate the look-and-feel and physical features of the original document; pages are trimmed according to the original format; the binding might not be consistent with the current document binding.

The commentary on the manuscript, translated in six languages (two versions available: Italian-German-Spanish or French-English-Arabic), is written by five expert Arabists. It includes a descriptive reconstruction and a classification of the Paris Kitâb al-Diryâq, an accurate history of the manuscript and codicological presentation, and an explanation of the work in its historical and literary contexts. It also features a study on the use of the medicine in the Greco-Roman and Arab worlds and an analysis of the superb title-page, with a description of the magical and astrological myths in the Arab world.

Facsimile edition and commentary are boxed together in an elegant case.

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#2 Kitâb al-Diryâq (15 plates)

Sansepolcro: Aboca Museum, 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008

+ 11

Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Arabe 2964, Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
Facsimile edition by Aboca Museum 2008
  • Commentary (Spanish, Italian, German, French, English, Arabic) by Guesdon, Marie Geneviève; Grabar, Oleg; Micheau, Françoise; Caiozzo, Anna; Kerner, Jaclynne J.
  • This is a partial facsimile of the original document, Kitab al-Diryaq: the facsimile might represent only a part, or doesn't attempt to replicate the format, or doesn't imitate the look-and-feel of the original document.

This facsimile edition reproduces only part of the original document, featuring a set of 15 plates. Available also with Italian-German-Spanish commentary on request.

Used and new from

€ 458

approx US$ 477

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