Madrid, Biblioteca del Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, 26-III-41

Hours of Mencía de Mendoza Facsimile Edition

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Of all the books of hours ordered by Doña Mencia de Mendoza, at least one is conserved in Madrid at the Institute of Valencia (26-III-41). It is a very small book with writing up to page 196, remaining the rest in white.

It presents 17 miniatures at full page with their corresponding orals in which the following subjects are represented: Annunciation (f.1), Saint John the Evangelist (f.21), Saint Lucas (f.23v), Saint Mathew (f.26), Saint Marc (f.28v), Resurrection of Lazarus (f.35), Visit of Mary to Saint Elizabeth (I. 108), Nativity (f.35v), Adoration of the Kings (f.145), Presentation of the Baby in the Temple (f. 153), Run from Egypt (f. 161), Coronation of the Virgin (f. 175), Saint John the Evangelist (f. 186v), Santiago (I 190), Saint Catalina (f. 193) and Elizabeth of Hungary (I 194v).

Also, on sheet 35 shows the shield of Henry Count of Nassau at full page, first husband of Doña Mencia. On the miniature ornamental border of Santiago the two headed eagle and the lemma of the "Plus Ultra" are drawn and in the ornamental border corresponding to Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and on the opposite the shield of Doña Mencia as Marquee of Zanete, reproduced up to four times.

The text is divided in the following way: the calendar (ff. 2v.-20);fragments of the Evangels of Saint John (I, 1-14) (ff. 21-23), Saint Lucas (I, 26-35) (ff. 23-25v), Saint Mathew (II, 1-12) (ff. 26-28v) and Saint Mark (XVI, 12-20) (ff. 28v.-30v.), prayer of the Venerable Beda, over the 7 word said by Christ on the cross (ff. 30v.34v), office to the dead (ff. 36-75v), office of the Virgin (ff.76185v.): laudes (f.107v), vespers (f. 160v.) and completes (f. 174v); antiphonies and prayers for the Saints holyday; Saint John the Baptist (ff. 187-187v.), Saint John the Evangelist (ff. 188-189v.), Santiago (ff. 189v-191 v), Saint Anne (ff. 191v-192), Saint Catalina (ff. 192v-194) and Saint Elisabeth of Hungary (ff. 194v-195v).

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Hours of Mencía de Mendoza": Libro de Horas de Doña Mencía de Mendoza facsimile edition, published by Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2002

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Libro de Horas de Doña Mencía de Mendoza

Madrid: Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2002

  • Commentary (Spanish) by Hidalgo Ogáyar, Juana
  • Full-size color reproduction of the entire original document, Hours of Mencía de Mendoza: the facsimile attempts to replicate the look-and-feel and physical features of the original document; pages are trimmed according to the original format; the binding might not be consistent with the current document binding.

The facsimile is stored in a small wooden box covered with red velvet and with clasps in coated silver locked with a key.


Leather, decorated in the middle with a heart with rays arising from it.

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