The Hours of Leonor de Vega, created between 1465 and 1470 in Bruges, is an illuminated Christian prayer book that showcases the artistry of the Flemish illuminator Willem Vrelant, who was influenced by Jan van Eyck. A gift to Leonor's father, it was inherited by her. The book features numerous full-page miniatures illustrating key religious scenes, all adorned with vibrant colors and gold embellishments. The borders include flora, fauna, and fantastic creatures. Renowned for its illuminations, this manuscript also captures the important role of personal devotion among the nobility in late medieval Spain.
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Hours of Leonor de Vega": Libro de Horas de Leonor de la Vega facsimile edition, published by Club Bibliófilo Versol, 2000
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