Produced in Einsiedeln Abbey around 960-970, the Gradual and Sequence Collection is the oldest, fully preserved chant book with music notation for the Christian Mass. The melodies are indicated by neumes, the music notation system used in early medieval Europe. The first part of the book is a gradual, with chants arranged in an annual cycle. The second part, the so-called Liber Hymnorum, is a collection of sequences—textings of Alleluia melodies—by Notker Balbulus ("the stammerer"), a ninth-century monk of Saint Gall.
We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Gradual and Sequence Collection": Codex 121 Einsiedeln: Graduale und Sequenzen Notkers von St. Gallen facsimile edition, published by VCH, Acta Humaniora, 1991
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