Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, MS Est. 28 (α.M.5.9)

Estense Herbal Facsimile Edition

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Created in France around 1470, the Estense Herbal is an encyclopedia of plants (and a few animal and mineral substances). The text is influenced by works of classical antiquity and texts developed at the medical school at Salerno. Arranged alphabetically, the entries include hundreds of detailed depictions of plants showing their root structures, followed by descriptions of each species and its medicinal uses. The high quality of the paintings and the use of gold and elaborate penwork in the initials suggest a wealthy patron.

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Estense Herbal": Herbolaire o Grant Herbier facsimile edition, published by Imago, 2006

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Manuscript book description compiled by Britt Boler Hunter.
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Herbolaire o Grant Herbier

Rimini: Imago, 2006

  • Commentary (Italian, French abstract) by Milano, Ernesto; Trenti, Giuseppe; Corradini, Elena; Baroni Fornasiero, Roberta
  • Limited Edition: 299 + 25 copies
  • Full-size color reproduction of the entire original document, Estense Herbal: the facsimile attempts to replicate the look-and-feel and physical features of the original document; pages are trimmed according to the original format; the binding might not be consistent with the current document binding.

Each page of the facsimile is aged individually. The commentary volume contains a historical note on herbals, the complete description of the manuscript, the full transcription of the French text and its translation into Italian, and a detailed description, in modern botanical terms, of the plants depicted in the manuscript.


A faithful replica of the original manuscript binding, in brown leather.

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