Turin, Museo Egizio di Torino, N. Inv. C. 2031 (CGT 55001)
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Dibujos 18-1-6484

Erotic Papyrus Facsimile Edition

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The Erotic-satirical papyrus is about 3200 years old (dated between 1186 and 1070 b. C.), and measures 2.59 m. long with the drawn part having an average height of 21 cm. A linear border made of four parallel lines runs along the papyrus, both in the upper edge and at the bottom. 

About one third of the drawing consists of figures of animals in human attitudes (in the far right). The rest is occupied by the erotic figures: twelve explicit scenes of sexual positions.

The papyrus was found in the Deir el-Medina, where there was settled a village of builders specialized in the realization of artistic works and artisans in the famous "Valley of the Kings" in Thebes.

The Papyrus arrived to Italy in 1824 thanks to the Drovetti collection. Jean-François Champollion examined it closely when he saw it at the Museum while writing his famous Notebook

In a letter dated from November 1824 he says: "Here, a fragment of a ritual text, in the back of which human interest had written a sales contract, and there remains of some paintings of monstrous obscenity that offer a very unique idea of gravity and Egyptian wisdom."

The Calco de pinturas egipcias

The Calco de pinturas egipcias belongs to the collection of Luis de Usoz (1805-1865). Usoz lived in Italy in 1824 when the Drovetti collection arrived. 

In his magnificent library, donated to the Biblioteca Nacional de España in 1875, there is, stored in a cylindrical metal case, a tracing paper with a copy of the drawings of the Erotic-satirical Papyrus of Turin listed as Calcos de pinturas egipcias.

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Erotic Papyrus": Papiro Erótico-Satírico facsimile edition, published by BiblioGemma, 2013

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Document / Fragment description compiled by the publisher.
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Papiro Erótico-Satírico

Barcelona: BiblioGemma, 2013

  • Commentary (Spanish) by Manniche, Lise; Escolano-Poveda, Marina; Burgos, Georgina; Parra Ortiz, José M.; Bádenas de la Peña, Pedro
  • Limited Edition: 995 copies
  • This is a partial facsimile of one or more portions of the original document, Erotic Papyrus: the facsimile might represent only a part, or doesn't attempt to replicate the format, or doesn't imitate the look-and-feel of the original document.

The facsimile is an unabridged reproduction of all the fragments of the Erotic Papyrus that was once an individual document.

This work is the union of two others: the highly fragmented remains of the Erotic-satirical Papyrus of Turin, with the signature N. Inv. C. 2031 (CGT 55001), and Calco de pinturas egipcias (Egyptian paintings tracing) from the Biblioteca Nacional de España with Ref Dib.18/1/6484 in Madrid. So far both works had never been related. This edition creates for the first time an accurate reconstruction of what the Erotic Papyrus was, by overlapping the tracing and the papyrus you get to recuperate and contemplate the work with all its original glory.

The fragments are represented on a larger white background.

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