Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense

Corpus Domini Solemn Procession Facsimile Edition

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The original plates of the Corpus Domini Solemn Procession were engraved by Salvatore Busuttil (born in Gozo, Malta, 1798) and published in 1839. The subject of this work is the feast of Corpus Domini, which, since 1264, has been considered the most solemn rite in Rome and its surrounding region. This official status was granted by Urban IV, who decreed that the celebration was to be held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Busuttil's valuable and colorful panorama of the religious rite serves as a unique socio-historical document. In it, he skillfully conveys details, nuances, and impressions through small genre scenes depicting a diverse group of people.

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Corpus Domini Solemn Procession": La Solenne Processione del Corpus Domini facsimile edition, published by Vallecchi, 2000

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La Solenne Processione del Corpus Domini

Florence: Vallecchi, 2000

  • Commentary (English, Italian) by Vicini Mastrangeli, Angela
  • Limited Edition: 450 copies
  • Full-size color reproduction of the entire original document, Corpus Domini Solemn Procession: the facsimile attempts to replicate the look-and-feel and physical features of the original document; pages are trimmed according to the original format; the binding might not be consistent with the current document binding.

Cloth-bound box with impressed gold decorations containing 35 ecthings painted in with water-color and mounted on canvas plus a booklet with an introductory essay.

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