Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Cod. Ricc. 483

Capponi-Ridolfi Hours Facsimile Edition

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The Capponi-Ridolfi Hours is a tiny and beautifully decorated personal book of hours. Illuminated in Florence by Monte di Giovanni del Fora and his workshop in the 1490s, the manuscript is believed to have been commissioned by Nicola di Andrea Capponi as a wedding gift for his bride, Antonia di Battista Ridolfi. The illumination includes three full-page miniatures and four historiated initials with fully painted borders by Monte and his associates and two miniatures by others.

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Capponi-Ridolfi Hours": Dono d'Amore: le Ore Capponi-Ridolfi facsimile edition, published by Vallecchi, 2007

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Manuscript book description compiled by Britt Boler Hunter.
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Dono d'Amore: le Ore Capponi-Ridolfi

Florence: Vallecchi, 2007

  • Commentary (Italian) by Lazzi, Giovanna
  • Limited Edition: 483 copies
  • Full-size color reproduction of the entire original document, Capponi-Ridolfi Hours: the facsimile attempts to replicate the look-and-feel and physical features of the original document; pages are trimmed according to the original format; the binding might not be consistent with the current document binding.

Facsimile edition produced using a special parchment paper, on which hot-tooled gold has been applied, using the reverse procedure compared to typographical printing, so as to give the page all of the worn and vibrant naturalness of the backgrounds and the very subtle design of the highlight. Facsimile and commentary volume issued in an elegant book-shaped case with hot-tooled silver.


Entirely bound and sewn by hand, also due to the total absence of tools capable of offering help in working such small pages. The volume is lined in velvet like the original, while the cut of the pages has gilt embossing, in total philological respect of the work.

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