The so-called Hamza Romance deals with the legendary heroic deeds of Hamza, a Persian rebel leader active at the time of Caliph Harun al Rashid. Hamza performed truly wondrous deeds in a number of fascinating countries, such as Ceylon, China, and Central Asia. The stories recounting his heroic life were highly popular in India and even the Mogul Emperor Akbar is said to have read them with great enthusiasm. The book constitutes a magnificent reflection of India during the period of Mogul rule.
140 Thrilling Large-Format Miniatures
The dominating element in the large-size miniatures is their coloring, particularly the overwhelming number of red tones. In addition, the viewer is fascinated by the sheer wealth of figures, with a multitude of movements dramatically enhancing the narrative in a truly explosive fervor. Other pictures, however, show only a few large figures in motion which appear as segments full of expressive power.
In addition to the main narrative, the pictures are filled with fascinating genre scenes, architectural and landscape depictions, public scenes, exuberant vegetation, and the pomp of the courtly entourage of the Mogul sovereign.
We have 2 facsimiles of the manuscript "Book of Hamza":
- Ḥamza-Nāma Vol. LII/1 facsimile edition published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA), 1974
- Ḥamza-Nāma Vol. LII/2 facsimile edition published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA), 1974