La Divina Commedia – The New Manuscript: George Cochrane’s Color Library
George wanted to create a new edition that recalled many of the things that were visible in the time of Dante: every move the artist made was a careful choice.
George wanted to create a new edition that recalled many of the things that were visible in the time of Dante: every move the artist made was a careful choice.
“That connection of handwriting, telling a story in sequence, where you use words and pictures to tell a story, is a very strong connection.”
As George works tirelessly to complete his new Divine Comedy, he always looks to 700 years of Art inspired by Dante.
“My daily routine was modeled on the Medieval monks’: I have kept to a rigid schedule, waking before dawn to scribe my manuscript pages. Each page took me about 1.5 hours to complete. I would write, every single day for months, as many lines as I could complete before going to work.”
Dante’s Reimagined Divine Comedy Bursts Forth from the Pen of Artist George Cochrane. Information on Prices and on the Upcoming Kickstarter Campaign.
Summer has come and if you are feeling romantic I have just the manuscript for you! It is Pierre Sala’s Little Book of Love, a jewel of Renaissance.
The Master of James IV of Scotland, a most talented and prominent illuminator from the decades bookending the year 1500, was named after his work in this very Book of Hours. This extravagant manuscript was likely made as a gift for the king of Scotland and Margaret Tudor around the time of their 1503 wedding.
Our friends from Müller & Schindler surprise us with a new, unprecedented manuscript of the Apocalypse made during a troubled time for Europeans: the beginning of the 15th century.
Once upon a time, there was a… snake with two heads? A Yale on a golden background? This week, I discovered that a masterpiece of the English Gothic can entertain my kids better than any videogame.
When is the best time to plant seeds? What day of the month is it? When is Easter this year? With an upcoming facsimile by Quaternio Verlag, 21st-century readers can find answers to all these questions — the medieval way.