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Tag: 15th century
New Facsimile Unveiled: The Berry Apocalypse
Our friends from Müller & Schindler surprise us with a new, unprecedented manuscript of the Apocalypse made during a troubled time for Europeans: the beginning of the 15th century.
New Video: Les Très Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Les Très Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
New Video: Voynich Manuscript Facsimile Edition (Full Version)
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Voynich Manuscript in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
New Video: Book of Hours of the Weaving Virgin Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Book of Hours of the Weaving Virgin in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
New Video: Purple Passion of Fra Angelico Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Purple Passion of Fra Angelico in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
An Hour With Marco Polo
The Venetian explorer Marco Polo didn’t write his Travels alone: in 1298, he found himself imprisoned with a romance writer, Rustichello da Pisa. Their conversations gave birth to one of the most celebrated travel books in history.
New Video: Prayer Book of Anne de Bretagne Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Prayer Book of Anne de Bretagne in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
New Video: Dante, Inferno Parigi-Imola Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Dante, Inferno Parigi-Imola in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?
Upcoming Facsimile: A Medieval Calendar and Its Life Advice
When is the best time to plant seeds? What day of the month is it? When is Easter this year? With an upcoming facsimile by Quaternio Verlag, 21st-century readers can find answers to all these questions — the medieval way.
New Video: Sketchbook of Francesco di Giorgio Martini Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Sketchbook of Francesco di Giorgio Martini in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?