On the history of Illuminated Manuscripts and their Facsimiles

New Video: Hyakumanto Darani Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Hyakumanto Darani in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

The Mysteries Surrounding an Early Christian Papyrus
In 1952, a millennia-old papyrus containing the Epistles of St. Peter was discovered in Egypt. We know that it was written in Greek by several hands, but many more questions remain unanswered.

New Video: Book of Hours of Margaret of Austria and Alessandro de’ Medici Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Book of Hours of Margaret of Austria and Alessandro de' Medici in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Getty Apocalypse Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Getty Apocalypse in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

Voynich Manuscript Facsimile, Taking the World by Storm
The Voynich manuscript – also known as New Haven, Beinecke Library, MS 408 – is one of the most remarkable and mysterious manuscripts that has come down to us.

New Video: Murasaki Shikibu Nikki Ekotoba Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Murasaki Shikibu Nikki Ekotoba in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

Unfolding a Gold-Embroidered Binding — The Royal Psalter of Sainte Chapelle
The floral silk fabric that once protected the Psalter of Blanche of Castile is among the three surviving medieval embroidered bindings in France. When I saw it for the first time, I couldn’t believe someone could ever produce something so detailed.

New Video: Anatomia Depicta Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Anatomia Depicta in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Avicenna's Canon of Medicine in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Cartularies of Valpuesta Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Cartularies of Valpuesta in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Shigisan-engi Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Shigisan-engi in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

A “Pop Bible” for a Lay Audience
You don't need to understand Anglo-French biblical verses to read this bible: written and illuminated in the 14th century, the codex features dozens of powerful illustrations.

New Video: Codex Aureus of Echternach Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Codex Aureus of Echternach in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

The Luttrell Psalter: A Treasure of Medieval Imagination
Stilt walkers, acrobats, human-animal hybrids... This is not a fantasy novel: it is a world-famous Late Medieval manuscript made in Lincolnshire, England.

New Video: Divina Commedia 1491 Illustrated Incunabulum Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Divina Commedia 1491 Illustrated Incunabulum in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?