On the history of Illuminated Manuscripts and their Facsimiles

New Video: Munich Golden Psalter Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Munich Golden Psalter in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Sibylline Prophecies Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Sibylline Prophecies in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Savoy Hours Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Savoy Hours in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

What if God was an Architect? Unveiling a New Facsimile of the Bible Moralisée
Over one thousand illuminated medallions evocative of stained glass, golden decorations spanning 130 folios, and a dazzling image of God designing the universe with a compass. Imago publishing house reproduced all this and much more in its 2020 facsimile edition of the Bible Moralisée.

New Video: Val-Dieu Apocalypse Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Val-Dieu Apocalypse in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Divine Comedy by Sandro Botticelli Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Divine Comedy by Sandro Botticelli in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Prayer Book of Stephan Lochner Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Prayer Book of Stephan Lochner in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

Seven Reasons to Fall for Japanese Illustrated Scrolls
Innumerable facial expressions, the birth of manga, sparkles of silver and gold, ancient magical legends…There are thousands of reasons to love the picture scrolls made in the land of the rising sun. Here are ours.

New Video: Codex Schürstab Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Codex Schürstab in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Prayer to the Virgin Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Prayer to the Virgin in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Codex Borbonicus Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Codex Borbonicus in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

Picturing the End of Time: The Illustrated Commentaries on the Apocalypse from Medieval Spain
Illustrated manuscripts based on Beatus of Liébana’s commentary on the Apocalypse, the last book of the Christian Bible, offer a unique window into a time when the fragility of life focused the minds of Christians on not only the immediate afterlife but also the time beyond time.

New Video: Pamplona Bible Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Pamplona Bible in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: Ban Dainagon Ekotoba Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the Ban Dainagon Ekotoba in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?

New Video: First Circumnavigation of the World (Collection) Facsimile Edition
Once upon a time only dukes, popes, and princesses could hold a priceless artifact like the First Circumnavigation of the World (Collection) in their hands. Today, facsimiles allow you to leaf through them — well, at least virtually! So what are you waiting for?