On the history of Illuminated Manuscripts and their Facsimiles

Zu Beginn des 9. Jahrhunderts nach spätantikem Vorbild entstanden, genoss die astronomische Handschrift über Jahrhunderte hinweg dauerhafte Beliebtheit. Die mit Gold aufgelegten Sternbilder funkeln wie die Originale, revolutionär ist die Trennung von Text und Bild.

Das reichste Stundenbuch des Mittelalters, eine Glanzleistung der Pariser Buchmalerei, entstand im frühen 15. Jahrhundert. Die extrem reiche Ausstattung der Handschrift, das Verständnis für perspektivische Darstellung und die ausdrucksstarke Mimik der Figuren zeugen von der ungeheuren Innovationskraft des »Bedford-Meisters«.

Bamberger Apokalypse
Reich ausgestattet mit Miniaturen auf Goldgrund, mit Gold und Silber verziert, ist die Prachthandschrift der einzige Apokalypse-Bilderzyklus der ottonischen Buchmalerei. Das Werk entstand zu Beginn des 11. Jahrhunderts im Auftrag Heinrichs II.

The Flemish manuscripts and the Renaissance painters
Flemish manuscripts' painters created some of the most stunning works of art of the Renaissance: with decorations all over, play of the light, and new tridimensional figures they transformed the illustrated page.

Les Triomphes de Petrarque: a richly illuminated French translation of Petrarch
The School of Rouen created this masterpiece, unique for the sheer number of miniatures.

Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination (exhibition at the British Library)
Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination is the British Library’s first major exhibition to bring together the Library’s Royal collection, between the 9th and 16th centuries. This dazzling exhibition will debunk the myth that these were ‘the Dark Ages’ by showcasing beautiful artistic artifacts. Curated by Dr Scot McKendrick, Head of History and Classical Studies, […]

The Missal of Barbara of Brandenburg: the masterpiece of Girolamo da Cremona
Girolamo da Cremona created this incredible sacred music book in an incredibly rich artistic environment, upon recommendation by Andrea Mantegna.

ICMS 2020 – Facsimile Finder Virtual Exhibits
Dear Friend, It’s with a heavy heart that I compose this post – missing Kzoo is a hard hit for all of us, and I’m sure you feel the same. Nevertheless, the good folks at the Medieval Institute are trying to keep us all connected, and I want to personally thank Jana, Liz, Marjorie, Therese, […]

La Flora Book of Hours: a great masterpiece by Simon Marmion
The suite of full-page miniatures by Simon Marmion represent his most distinctive illumination and perhaps his greatest achievement.

Lux in Arcana: The Vatican Secret Archives reveals itself
For the first time the Vatican Secret Archives are open to the public. Don't miss this unique opportunity!

Codex Rotundus: the proof that greatness lies in small things
The Codex Rotundus is a very peculiar Book of Hours in Latin and French unique for form and size: extremely small but also extremely precious.

Wiener Musterbuch: the silverpoint studies by the Master of Ambrass
A set of silverpoint studies used as models in painters studios, by the Master of Ambrass.

Flemish Book of Hours of Marie de Medici: strong and glowing colors
An especially beautiful example of Book of Hours, painted by the David Master, a great name among Flemish artists such as Simon Bening.

Stein Quadriptych: Manuscript or Altarpiece?
Stein Quadriptych: Bruges, late 1520s (W. 442 – Walters Art Museum, Baltimore). The Stein Quadriptych features . The individual miniatures, at 6.8 by 5.2 cm (211/16 x 21/16 in.), are organized in four panels of sixteen miniatures and have been so arranged since they were first uncovered in the late nineteenth century. In case you […]

The Grimani Breviary: a monumental witness to the splendor of Flemish art
With its tremendous quality and stunning details, the Grimani Breviary is an incredible masterpiece in the history of Flemish art.