On the history of Illuminated Manuscripts and their Facsimiles

Codex Gisle, illuminated by Gisela von Kerssenbrock

Codex Gisle: written and illuminated by a woman

Just announced by Quaternio Verlag Luzern, the Gradual of Gisela von Kerssenbrock is an amazing facsimile edition of an exceedingly rare manuscript illuminated by this nun from Rulle.

The Importance of Facsimile Editions

Facsimiles are perhaps one of the most beautiful forms of contemporary book creation. They derive their value from the riches of the book arts of our times, which can convey to us the contents of centuries-old intellectual life.

“De Materia Medica”, the first Dioscorides translation ever

"De Materia Medica" is a new art book that includes the facsimile of the "Dioscorides Neapolitanus" (Ms. ex-Vindobonense Greco 1, National Library in Naples). Published by Aboca Museum, it contains the first complete translation of the Greek text by the noted scholar.

The French nobleman who employed Jean Colombe

The Book of Hours of Louis de Laval is an extraordinary example of XV Century French illumination: a result of the partnership between Jean Colombe and the workshop of Jean Fouquet.

Illuminated Pumpkins

Wondering what to do for Halloween? Our staff has the perfect solution for you!

An illuminated and gory Halloween

Halloween is here and you still don't have a costume? Fear not! Here at Facsimile Finder we have the answer to all your problems!

Königsgebetbuch für Otto III.

Das einzig erhaltene Königsgebetbuch aus ottonischer Zeit stellt ein Buchdenkmal allerhöchsten Ranges dar. Ganz in Gold auf Purpurgrund geschrieben, diente der Codex Aureus dem kindlichen König als geistiger Leitfaden.

Schätze des J. Paul Getty Museum

Zehn Faksimile-Blätter aus der renommierten Handschriftensammlung des J. Paul Getty Museums geben einen repräsentativen Überblick über die Entwicklung der mittelalterlichen Buchmalerei.