My Pretty “Little” Book of Kells
“She played the fiddle in an Irish band / but she fell in love with … the Book of Kells”: today we fly to Dublin to meet Ireland’s finest national treasure.
Everything concerning the original manuscript, including essays on the language, the style, the artists, the miniatures.
“She played the fiddle in an Irish band / but she fell in love with … the Book of Kells”: today we fly to Dublin to meet Ireland’s finest national treasure.
The Vienna Genesis is one of the most ancient purple manuscripts surviving today, dating back to the early 6th century. In 2019 we will see its rebirth thanks to a one-of-a-kind facsimile edition by Quaternio Verlag Luzern.
In occasion of Federico da Montefeltro’s death anniversary, we though to celebrate this great patron of Renaissance with a short trip to his palace and his library in Urbino.
The Codex Purpureus Rossanensis is one of the most ancient and marvelous extant codices purpurei. Recently restored, it is a monumental awe-inspiring masterpiece.
We will end our journey through the fascinating world of facsimile by discussing Ottonian and Charlemagne’s art, with some interesting examples of manuscripts belonging to these artistic fields. These books couldn’t but draw the attention of Faksimile Verlag, which again decided to do homage to those treasures from antiquity by putting on the market their beautiful facsimiles.
Gothic illumination is one of the finest in medieval books: that’s why it was doubtlessly worth it for Faksimile Verlag to put a great effort into the reproduction of some remarkable representatives of Gothic art.
The variety of themes, influences, but also shapes of books from the Middle Ages is truly astounding. When deciding to embark on a project for a new facsimile edition, the publisher was almost spoilt for choice! Let’s explore in detail some of the most striking manuscripts that Faksimile Verlag has chosen to reproduce!
Fans of Dante’s Divine Comedy, we have little treat for you: enjoy this short reading about the Ms. 1002 held in the Biblioteca Angelica.
Check out this interesting article written by Brownyn Stocks evaluating the importance of facsimiles in occasion of an exhibition held at Monash University.
Fellow book lovers, enjoy this fantastic article from Alumina where you will be given an interesting account on the figure of the unicorn in miniatures.