Wiener Musterbuch: the silverpoint studies by the Master of Ambrass
A set of silverpoint studies used as models in painters studios, by the Master of Ambrass.
A set of silverpoint studies used as models in painters studios, by the Master of Ambrass.
An especially beautiful example of Book of Hours, painted by the David Master, a great name among Flemish artists such as Simon Bening.
Stein Quadriptych: Bruges, late 1520s (W. 442 – Walters Art Museum, Baltimore). The Stein Quadriptych features . The individual miniatures, at 6.8 by 5.2 cm (211/16 x 21/16 in.), are organized in four panels of sixteen miniatures and have been so arranged since they were first uncovered in the late nineteenth century. In case you […]
With its tremendous quality and stunning details, the Grimani Breviary is an incredible masterpiece in the history of Flemish art.
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